June 2020

1) Most events have been cancelled due to COVID-19, including:
  • All BAM festivals
  • Howard County Fair homebrew competition
  • Wootown’s Mead Day
  • HomebrewCon
2) We’d still like to do the CRABS food and beer pairing, but we cannot set a concrete date at this time.  We’re leaning toward late summer or early fall.
3) We would like to have Crabs4CRABS in September.  The office that does pavilion reservations has been closed so we have not been able to reserve anything.
4) There has been a change in Guild leadership.  John Jester stepped down as president.  Ben Schwalb has taken over the position, and Rob Kiernan has become Guild secretary.
5) Maryland Homebrew has a job opening.  Contact Chris at chrisanderson@mdhb.com if you’re interested.
6) Ben will have a cookout at his house on Saturday July 11 starting at 3 PM.  Respond to this email if you plan to attend and need his address.  It will be pot luck food.  A grill will be available.  He’ll have lots of homebrew on tap, and of course more beer is welcome.  There will be live music and you are welcome to bring an instrument and join in.
7) Next meetings:
·This Saturday June 20, starting at 2:00 PM in Joe’s backyard.  He has sent out his address.  Please bring a chair if you’d like to sit.  Folks who want to share food can, but for those who are concerned, you may bring you own and not share.  Masks optional.
·Wednesday July 15.  If we can’t meet in person we will use Zoom again.
8) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.
9) See http://crabsbrew.org/Other_Competitions for a list of upcoming local homebrew competitions.  (At this point everything before September is cancelled.)


June, 2020